Beef Steak Mince


Our 100% Grass-Fed minced beef is twice-minced by hand to ensure extra tenderness. The staple ingredient for many meals, this mince holds its own in any recipe, allowing the rich flavour of our slow reared, 100% Grass-Fed beef to come through.

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Further information

Hung for a minimum of 21 days, our Beef is 100% grass-fed and slow-reared here on the family farm in the heart of South Leicestershire. The South Devon breed is well know for being a particularly tender meat, with a distinct degree of marbling which ensures the meat is packed full of flavour. All of our animals are allowed to mature slowly and naturally, which further enhances the quality and flavour of the meat. To the exacting specifications of our artisan Butcher, all cuts are butchered by hand, and prepared for you with a great deal of care and attention.